Databases and online resources

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Displaying items by tag: management

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Business Source Premier is the industry’s most used business research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed titles. This database provides full text back to 1886, and searchable cited references back to 1998. Business Source Premier is superior to the competition in full text coverage in all disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily on EBSCOhost.

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Abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources in the fields of Medicine, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences and Life Sciences. The database also provides information on citation analysis for specific articles, authors, and journal metrics.

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Knovel is an interactive, full-text database of technical information and science and engineering books.

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EBSCOhost is a powerful online reference system accessible via the Internet. It offers a variety of proprietary full text databases and popular databases from leading information providers. The comprehensive databases range from general reference collections to specially designed, subject-specific databases for public, academic, medical, corporate and school libraries.

Consists 19 individual databases: Academic Search Complete, AHFS Consumer Medication Information, Agricola, Business Source Complete, Environment Complete, ERIC, European Views of the Americas, GreenFILE, Health Source – Consumer Edition, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Library Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA), Master File Premier, MEDLINE, Newspaper Source, Regional Business News, Teacher Reference Center, World Textiles.